



The lineage of Lot (peace be upon him)

Selections from the Book Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance

Written by Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi...

Episode  (2)


           He is Lot, the son of Haran, the son of Azar. He believed in the call of Khalilullah Abraham (peace be upon him), followed him, and migrated with him. Allah granted him wisdom and knowledge, inspired him, made him a prophet, and sent him to Sodom and its people.

          Al-Hakim said: "The narrations concur that our master Lot is from the household of Abraham, but they differed whether he is from his offspring or from the offspring of his brother".

           Historians have mentioned various opinions regarding the relationship of our master Lot (peace be upon him) to Prophet Abraham. A group of interpreters has stated that our master Lot is the nephew of Khalilullah Abraham (peace be upon him). This opinion has been favoured by a number of scholars, including Al-Baghawi (may Allah have mercy on him), as indicated by his commentary on the verse of the Quran; {And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people} [Al-A'raf: 80], he said: "Lot, the son of Aaron, the nephew of Abraham".

            And Al-Qurtubi said: Allah sent him to a nation called Sodom, and he was the nephew of Abraham.

            Al-Suyuti (may Allah have mercy on him) narrated from Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: "Khalilullah Abraham, was the paternal uncle of Lot, the son of Aaron, the son of Tarah".

            Al-Hakim narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both): He said: "Lot of the Prophet (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him) was the nephew of Khalilullah Abraham (peace be upon him) ".

            The kinship between Prophet Abraham and Prophet Lot (peace be upon them) is that Abraham was Lot's paternal uncle, and Lot was the son of Abraham's Haran. Historians and biographers have conveyed that Lot was born to Haran, and that Abraham (peace be upon him) was the middle child. It is reported that Haran died during the lifetime of his father in the land where he was born, which was the land of the Chaldeans in Babylon. This view is supported by many scholars such as Al-Qurtubi, Al-Baghawi, Al-Suyuti, and others.




Episode references:

- Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi, Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance, pp. 31-33.

- Interpretation of the Great Qur’an (Interpretation of Ibn Kathir), Abu Al-Fida Ismail bin Omar bin Kathir Al-Dimashqi (774 AH), Beirut, Dar Ibn Hazm, 1420 AH / 2000 AD, 5/354.

- Al-Mustadrak on the Two Sahihs, Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Hakim Al-Naysaburi, edited by: Mustafa Abdul Qadir Atta, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1st edition, 1411 AH, 1990 AD, 2/611.

- Tafsir al-Baghawi, “Ma’alim al-Tanzeel,” Al-Baghawi, ed.: Muhammad Abdullah al-Nimr, Dar Taiba, Riyadh, 3rd edition, 1416 AH, 3/165.

- Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, 7/243.

- Al-Durr Al-Manthur fi Al-Tafsir bi Al-Mathur, Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti, Dar Al-Fikr - Beirut, 1431 AH, 3/495.

- Verses, Hadith, and Traces of Allah’s Prophet Lot, Ashwaq bint Salih Muhammad Homsani, Master’s thesis, Umm Al-Qura University, Graduate Studies, College of Da’wah and Fundamentals of Religion, 1434-1435 AH, p. 32.

For further information and review of the sources for the article, see:

The Book of ‘’Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance’’ on the official website of Sheikh Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi:



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