



The name of Allah ‘’The Most Honorable’’


Selections from the Book ‘’Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance’’

Written by Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi...

Episode  (23)


      Al-Saadi said: "Honorable": The Great, the Mighty, the Majestic. He is described with qualities of glory, greatness, majesty, and grandeur. He is greater than anything, mightier than anything, more majestic and exalted. He deserves reverence and exaltation in the hearts of His close servants and worshippers. Their hearts are filled with reverence, awe, and submission to His majesty.

     He also says: "Glory/Honor" is the greatness of His attributes and their vastness. Each attribute of His is of great significance. He is the All-Knowing, perfect in His knowledge; the Merciful, whose mercy encompasses everything; the All-Powerful, whom nothing can overcome; the Forbearing, perfect in His forbearance; the Wise, perfect in His wisdom, and so on with the rest of His names and attributes.

     In a divine hadith it is narrated: "I have divided the prayer between Myself and My servant, and when the servant says, 'Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds,' Allah says, 'My servant has praised Me.' When the servant says, 'The Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate,' Allah says, 'My servant has extolled Me.' When the servant says, 'Master of the Day of Judgment,' Allah says, 'My servant has glorified Me.'"

      From this hadith, we can understand one of the meanings of glorification, as glorifying Allah involves describing His attributes, acknowledging His sovereignty, dominance, and His judgment on the Day of Judgment, from which there is no evasion or escape. Allah has described His Quran as "honored" in His saying: {Qaf. By the honored Qur’an.} [Qaf: 1], and in His saying: {But this is an honored Qur’an (21) [Inscribed] in a Preserved Slate. (22)} [Al-Buruj: ‎‎21-22].‎ The Holy Quran is honored, meaning it is endowed with noble qualities, vast in its goodness, virtue, and generosity. This is because it encompasses knowledge, noble values, lofty purposes, and worldly and otherworldly benefits. There is no wonder in this, as it is the speech of Allah Almighty, to which falsehood cannot approach from before it or behind it; it is a revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy. One of the magnitudes of the Holy Quran and its glory is that Allah elevates some people through it while lowering others. He elevates those who follow it, making it their religion and guidance, and He lowers and disgraces those who neglect it and leave it behind.




Episode references:

- Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi, Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance, pp. 113-114.

- Tafsir al-Saadi, “Taysir al-Karim al-Rahman fi Tafsir Kalam al-Mannan,” quoted from the book, “And to Allah belong the Most Beautiful Names,” Abdul Aziz Nasser al-Jalil, p. 387.

- The Clear Truth in the Explanation of the monotheism of the Prophets and Messengers from Al-Kafiyah Al-Shafi’ah, Abdul Rahman bin Nasser Al-Saadi, Dar Ibn Al-Qayyim for Publishing and Distribution, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2nd edition, 1407 AH, 1987 AD, p. 33.

- To Allah belong the most beautiful names, Abdul Aziz Nasser Al-Jalil, p. 389.

For further information and review of the sources for the article, see:

The Book of ‘’Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance’’ on the official website of Sheikh Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi:


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