



Same-sex marriage and Satanic laws


Selections from the Book ‘’Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance’’

Written by Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi...

Episode  (30)


      Islamic Sharia and other divine laws have come to regulate the manner of satisfying sexual instincts in humans and the method of reproduction between genders, preserving the overarching objective of preserving progeny. This fundamental principle, agreed upon by divine laws, ensures the continuity of the human species and safeguards their rights throughout ages and times.

         Therefore, the wise Sharia legislated marriage between male and female as a means to satisfy natural instincts and desires in a manner consistent with sound nature and human civilization. This achieves noble Sharia purposes and lofty goals, ensuring the well-being and success of individuals and society. Since the creation of Adam (peace be upon him) and Eve, people have continued to reproduce and marry between males and females as ordained by divine laws, up until the time of the people of Lot whose sexual nature deviated, leading men to approach men instead of women, as mentioned in the Holy Quran. Their consequence was what Allah Almighty described as a severe outcome. This serves as a universal precedent for those who deviate from the natural order established by Allah until the Day of Judgment.

          Sexual deviance and homosexuality have persisted throughout history, with successive generations witnessing deviations where base desires dominated their minds. They came to love only those of their own sex, whether males or females, and their sexual desires were only satisfied through such deviations. This continued until same-sex marriage became legally regulated in the constitutions of some countries in our contemporary world. It has also become an educational approach enforced in elementary schools and beyond, supported by major international organizations catering to those who deviate from their natural instincts. This has been promoted globally by powerful entities and various satanic organizations using modern means, exploiting the globalization of the contemporary world through the internet and modern media channels. Thus, they succeeded in spreading and promoting this malignant call and satanic desire across various parts of the inhabited world, including the Islamic world. Unfortunately, there were those who responded to this destructive satanic call wherever it appeared. The voices advocating for pornography grew louder, pushing for legislation that legalizes deviance, akin to countries and societies that have strayed from their natural inclinations and divine laws.

      The call for same-sex marriage and the enactment of legislation and laws to protect it are considered:

- A crime against one of the five universal purposes that divine laws have aimed to preserve, namely "the preservation of progeny".

- Same-sex marriage is a deviation from the sound nature that Allah has created for the human species.

- Same-sex marriage includes the same reason for which Allah destroyed the people of Lot, so it cannot be ruled out that the wrath and punishment of Allah may descend upon any society that adopts same-sex marriage as one of its practices.

       The pressures exerted by powerful forces and dominant systems in economic and media spheres of major countries have specifically targeted the Islamic world to legislate laws and amend systems that permit same-sex marriage. They aim to nullify systems that prohibit it under the guise of human rights or within misleading international agreements aimed at eradicating human identity in general and specifically targeting Islamic identity.





Episode references:

- Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi, Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance, pp. 345-347.

- Same-sex marriage in light of the purposes of Islamic Sharia, Ibrahim bin Tijan Jakiti, Bahayettet Center for Women’s Studies, 2016, p. 8.

For further information and review of the sources for the article, see:

The Book of ‘’Lot (peace be upon him) and his Mission in Confronting Corruption and Sexual Deviance’’ on the official website of Sheikh Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi:


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