



Some of the characteristics of Surah Yusuf and the Qur’anic story in general; P.1


Selections from the Book The Prophet Minister Joseph al-Siddiq

Written by Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi...

Episode  (11)


- Divine source:

        The story of Joseph, peace be upon him, in Surat Yusuf, and the Qur’anic story in general, one of its characteristics is that it has a divine source, inspired by Allah, Blessed and Most High, and it is not afflicted with the shortcomings and distortions that afflict human stories. Almighty Allah preserved it by preserving His Book, where He said: {Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian} [Al-Hijr: 9]. It is part of the Book of Allah, immune to falsehood from any direction. Almighty Allah emphasizes this divine origin at the beginning and end of certain stories, as reflected in the opening verses of Surah Yusuf: {Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the clear Book (1) Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand (2) We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an although you were, before it, among the unaware (3)} [Yusuf: 1-3]. And after narrating the story of Yusuf, Almighty Allah further affirms: {That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal, [O Muhammad], to you. And you were not with them when they put together their plan while they conspired} [Yusuf: 102].

- Stories of pure truth, without Doubt:

       The Quranic narrative is of divine origin, signifying that the stories contained within it are true. This means that everything presented, including events, personalities, and historical periods, has a real existence in the world. These stories are regarded as historical narratives, and their truthfulness reflects the reality without any fabrication, invention, or construction of events based on imagination. If the Quran mentions accounts or characters not found in historical records, the Quran serves as a compelling source for history. This is because it is a revelation from the All-Wise, All-Knowing, and it stands as the only religious text free from distortion and forgery throughout human history. 

        The Quranic narrative is free from falsehood, myths, and imagination. It has been preserved from any fictional elements in every part and aspect. Instead, it engages with the consensus of hearts, captivating them and creating a level of suspense that surpasses even the most captivating epics and those immersed in imagination.


Episode references:

- Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi, The Prophet Minister Joseph al-Siddiq, pp. 57-58.

- Some educational principles derived from the story of Joseph, previous reference, p. 25.


For further information and review of the sources for the article, see:

The Book of The Prophet Minister Joseph al-Siddiq on the official website of Sheikh Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi:

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